Michigan High School Interscholastic Bowling Coaches Association

Polls/Rankings #1

First round of polling is complete!!

See the final results for round #1 under high school links poll/rankings. If you feel that this is incorrect please make sure your paperwork is in on time for the next polling on February 19, 2022

Updated: February 6, 2022 — 9:54 pm

JV Championships

JV Championship are still looking for teams. We currently have 9 girls team signed up. We have several boys slots still available. Please see the forms on the tournament page for more information. Great place to earn scholarships and network with bowlers from around the state.

Updated: February 1, 2022 — 8:43 am

Membership- Scholarship- All state Academic

Membership Applications- Scholarship Applications

In order for athletes to be eligible for any awards through MHSIBCA a coach MUST be a member of the association. Please spread the word to coaches you know and see. Some athletes miss out on all state because the coach is not a member. Membership closes on February 10, 2022.

2022 Scholarship applications and academic all state are posted. Please take note of the deadlines for submitting. The committees need time to make selections.

Updated: February 1, 2022 — 8:41 am

JV Championships

The MHSIBCA has increased numbers of competition dates to participate in JV Championships. The number of games that a bowler can bowl on varsity is 35% of conference season games or less.



Updated: January 30, 2022 — 8:24 pm

1st Rankings Feb 5, 2022

First round of rankings will be posted on Feb 5. The polling committees need your league sheets (please put the division next to the teams). These need to be submitted by Jan 28 in order to ensure time to complete the rankings. See Polls/Rankings page for the person to submit the information too.

Updated: January 9, 2022 — 8:12 pm

High score reports

As we advance through our season don’t forget to turn in your high scores to the website to be posted. Lets celebrate accomplishments. Please indicate if it was something extra special such as a JV player, on the phantom pattern, etc. We will do our best to add to the post. As a reminder it may take a few days to post to the site. If you don’t see it after a few days email me

Updated: December 28, 2021 — 3:45 pm
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