Member Benefits
The MHSIBCA is an organization for High School and Interscholastic Bowling Coaches. Interested persons who become members receive numerous benefits.
The most important benefit is the one of a voice in the operation of the High School Bowling program. Members of MHSIBCA voice and email their opinions which are then relayed to the MHSAA for consideration.
Training programs and bowling equipment are often provided at a reduced rate for members. CAP classes offered by the MHSAA are offered at a discount to members.
Student Athletes are also eligible for various awards including numerous scholarships, (All State and High Game/Series Certificates and Pins) if the Athlete’s school has at least one Member Coach.
The Annual General Meeting provides seminars and Coaching classes, as well as an opportunity for coaches to compete in a special tournament.
If a coach is a member of the MHSIBCA and only if, there athletes are eligible for the MHSIBCA Dream Team and Mr and Miss Bowling for the State of Michigan