Michigan High School Interscholastic Bowling Coaches Association

Day: September 27, 2019

Proposed Amendment – to be voted on October 12, 2019

With today’s climate in society, we as an association have the opportunity to purchase for our member coaches in good standing for 5 dollars per member liability insurance to protect and give our member’s peace of mind.  The insurance would be enforced from Aug 1st to July 31st.  Due to the dates of our season the insurance would be current December 31st to July 31st.  The 2-week window of December 16th to the 31st, will give our Treasurer 2 weeks to send a check to the MHSCA who sponsors the insurance.  The late fee will remain the same at 50 dollars if postmarked December 16th until the February 10th date, but the coach will not be covered under the insurance.  The membership increase would not go into effect until the 2020-21 season.  However, the association will cover the cost of the insurance for its members for the upcoming season.  The association will cover the first 330 coaches who renew or are first-time active coach association members.

This proposal will be brought to the membership at the October 12th, 2019 AGM and be asked for a motion to approve and a second.  After discussion, it will be voted on during the Legislative report.

Amendment 2019-01 – Increase in Membership Dues 19-9-5

Updated: September 27, 2019 — 2:01 pm
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