Michigan High School Interscholastic Bowling Coaches Association

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July/August issue of Coach & Athletic Director Magazine

Here is your July August issue of Coach & Athletic Director (click) from the NHSACA.

 The “Coaching for Significance” article is provided to you by the National High School Athletic Coaches Association and written by Proactive Coaching. A podcast for distribution will soon follow. 

We’re pleased to provide you with the July/August issue of Coach & Athletic Director.  This issue examines the challenges and opportunities for high school coaches nationwide from our Annual Coaches Survey. Check out the results published in our feature article.  Other Highlights in the July/August issue include:
  • 5 Steps to continuing relationships with student-athletes after graduation
  • Jump stops, pivots and v-cuts
  • Monitoring athletic performance
Updated: August 4, 2022 — 9:36 pm

Great Lanes Bowling Edition 11

In this edition of Great Lanes Bowling News (Episode 11), we announce the MHSIBCA First Team All State Bowlers for 2022, our Coaches of the Year, and our Scholarship winners during this season ending report.

In addition to the awards, GLBN conducted interviews with several winning coaches from State Championship Teams over the past week. GLBN had the pleasure of talking with Head Coach Daniel Hejka from Livonia Franklin, D1 Boys State Team Champions, Head Coach Linda Hyska from Bronson, D4 Girls State Team Champions, and Assistant Coach Jason Pranger from Grand Rapids Northfield, D2 Boys State Team Champions.


Click here to See the Episode

Updated: March 18, 2022 — 11:18 am
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