Michigan High School Interscholastic Bowling Coaches Association

Category: Uncategorized


Got some news??


If you have some news that you would like to share about your bowlers or coaches. Send any video, stats, or information to


We are looking for collegiate signings, tournament information, scholarships that your bowlers are awarded, etc. Send in pictures, videos, and/or print and we will include in episodes of Great Lanes Bowling News and our website.

Updated: October 22, 2022 — 9:24 am

MiLive Poll

MHSIBCA Coaches,MLive like most other sports asks to promote them with a preseason poll.  We feel the best way is to start early.  So, coaches the ranking committee is asking for your support and provide not only your team but other teams from your conference who should be considered for statewide recognition.  In the perfect world, we would love the top ten and 5 honorable mentions.  But out minimum goal would be a top 5.  We would also highlight the very best with mention on GLBN.  Please send us a brief summary of your selected teams with players (please state their division they are in, you do not have to submit from just your Division) who should have outstanding seasons. Please check MHSSA for correct division as some schools have changed divisions!!

Our goal, with discussion at our Annual General Meeting up in Midland on Saturday October 22nd.  Will be to have the preseason rankings finalized by tryouts.  So please send your thoughts to our ranking committee members.  D1 Kent Crawford, D2 Jeremy Juvelin, D3 Ron Bacon, D4 Scott E Spahr.  The contact information for the committee is listed on our website under the Polls/Rankings section.

Remember like the regular season rankings, if information is not provided, then your programs that are deserving of recognition remain unknown.Dave KowalskiPolls/ranking Committee Chair

Updated: September 4, 2022 — 12:21 pm
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